What is your FREQUENCY?

This is so important. Knowing what your body needs. You can definitely get by in life without a strong mind body connection, I should know, I did it until a massive body trauma 7 years ago forced me to rebuild all my connections from scratch.
The body shock was so intense I think my internal organs moved around a bit and became rather confused💖🧠A healer in Bali told me I basically had zero connection between my brain and my body, another one physically reorganised my organs😱
It was a process. Many healers and books and positive vibrations✨ from the angels around me.
A huge part of my healing was becoming truly aware of myself, how I think and react, and why? What lies underneath? It’s a fascinating process and not for the faint hearted. Many of us prefer the cosiness of the status quo🙉
The process made me understand that I had indeed been quite happily sleep walking through life until the almighty wake up call🏍 Just generally doing as I pleased without tuning into the higher wisdom.
Learning that emotions and thought patterns contribute to imbalances within the body and can lead to disease and inexplicable phenomena is monumental ⚖️
I’m so inspired by my fiancée, he will say things like “my body needs radishes”. I’m like A. “How do you even know that??” And B. “My body needs fried chicken so what ya sayin”. 🤣🐥
No but seriously, he knows exactly what he needs on all levels and I believe that comes from years of training, eating super well, self love, connection to his own power and self healing ability💎
When you cultivate and prioritise a relationship with yourself, you’re going to see positive results💘
Instead of nearly dying, hitting rock bottom and getting your organs reORGANised by external forces, I do strongly believe that one can easily get on the path to having a strong mind body connection, through awareness and inner work💯.
I like to implement small daily practices, mini rituals, quick mind set adjusters to manage my vibration📡, after all, everything is frequency⚡️⚡️
What is your frequency? 💘

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