From Singapore i headed quickly through Bali to regroup and recover… Then onto Sydney to catch up with friends and family and a little spot Djing some sunset vibes at Cafe Del Mar, was super nice 😀

Then finally, HOME. It’s been 2.5 years since i’ve been back in Wellington, so long overdue!

Great to see all my peeps, and a few nice gigs coming up – tomorrow heading over the hills and far away into the forest to Taniwha’s Den, the location looks stunning, visuals and sound should be epic, and i’ve been preparing a set of tech, techno and other electronic bits and pieces  –  really looking forward to dropping some craziness in these wicked surroundings!!


taniwhas Den

The following weekend it’s back in time and back to my old stomping ground The Matterhorn, for a summer jam in the courtyard with Melfunction and B.Lo.  Looking forward to seeing loads of old and new Welli faces, this is gonna be SO much fun!!



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