What happens when you get triggered? U react with judgement, of the source of the trigger, of yourself? Get angry? Dwell on it all day? Avoid it and move on? Hey, we’ve all been there.
Everyone gets triggered. I get triggered and I trigger people. More so lately than usual I think😂Par for the course when one starts sharing more.
What triggers you? I sometimes get triggered when I get a negative response/rejection or misconception about my online business.
So what is a trigger? It’s like a laser from an external event, interaction or experience that moves into your physical body and shows you exactly where you are vibrating out of alignment and where you have work to do, where something needs to be cleared.
Many triggers come from childhood, you may not even remember, and it could be as minor as a comment made by someone at an impressionable time in your life, that made you feel less than or not enough…you absorbed that and decided it was reality. Later on it manifests as a trigger.
So what to do?
What i’ve learned to do and what I want to share is this :
💎See the trigger coming and observe yourself, FEEL allll the feelings WITHOUT judgement, love yourself for doing it, note what your usual reaction would be and choose to react in a different way💎Realise this has absolutely nothing to do with who or what triggered you and EVERYTHING about you shifting and growing from the experience.
The amazing and mildly infuriating way the universe works is that variations of this experience will keep coming back until you work it out and release it💫
When you acknowledge that triggers are gifts, wonderful opportunities to shift into higher states of being, life becomes a whole lot more joyful and you peel away those pesky layers all the more quickly.🌼
One of the best things about the community that runs alongside my business is that it has encouraged me from the start to look at all of the things that might be in the way of success. They were bang on 🎯about the importance of inner work when it comes to running a successful business wowza, I have learned SO much.
💚Most importantly, life happens FOR me not TO me💚
On this most triggering day – week, i challenge you to rise above and not get triggered!