A few more Wellington gigs before heading back to the hotness…..
Kicking off a rather large Wellington weekend in proper style, the 4 to the floor freaks to came out to play ???? ?? at Laundry with Jedi and Son of Sesh <3
The following night was Homegrown Festival on the waterfront, I spent most of the day in the safety of the Roots backstage area, then rolled down to Matterhorn for a night of hearty throwbacks and wobbly back 2 backs with mi amigos B-Lo and Kava, and many many kiwi music lovelies who survived the festival made it for afters and after afters 😉
A final knees up at fave spot Laundry, and what better way to celebrate (the day after) International Women’s Day, than to join 9 of Wellington’s wonderful female DJs and singers joining forces for an all night long tag team of funky ass vinyl selections! It was the first time these 3 all girl Wellington/Bali/Spain based possees have performed together EVER, and was such a joyous occasion <3