A way to THRiVE in the new PARADiGM

I remember living in Bali, working mainly as a DJ, doing 𝔾ℝ𝔼𝔸𝕋, doing 𝕆𝕂, doing ℕ𝕆𝕋 π•Šπ•† 𝔾ℝ𝔼𝔸𝕋, DJ life you know, ups and downs
I always remember seeing these digital nomad types – no, not the influencer fakery types, but people working remotely and thriving and wondering how the hell they did it. But just thinking to myself, β€˜I definitely don’t have the skills to do that, whatever 𝕋ℍ𝔸𝕋 is’.
Limiting belief alert!
To experience powerful transformations, there must be a willingness to step outside the comfort zone and face off with our limiting beliefs. But that’s a side note.
It’s taken a world crisis and a hemisphere change for me to figure it out.
My biz community is full of people who have made it work and are 𝕋ℍℝ𝕀𝕍𝕀ℕ𝔾, and I get to absorb all that goodness and inspiration daily, which really keeps me amped and on track.
I had π•„π”Έπ•Šπ•Šπ•€π•π”Ό reservations for such a huge pivot, it wasn’t something I took lightly, but you know what, it just felt ℝ𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋.
The best thing is, it acts as an engine powering 𝕄𝔼, I haven’t given up anything that I 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼 doing, in fact it’s brought 𝕄𝕆ℝ𝔼 β„™π•†π•Žπ”Όβ„ to the things I love doing.
𝕋𝕀𝕄𝔼 freedom. 𝕄𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕐 freedom. π•π•€π•Šπ•€π•†β„• expansion. All these things are fully tangible now.
I invite you to check out a free workshop that will show you what it’s all about.
Soak up the vibe of this amazing tribe and see if it might be a symbiotic relationship for you, to really start thriving in this crazy new environment we are inhabiting, and realistically have no choice but to assimilate into.
DM me!
Sending loadsa love at ya

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